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Monthly Meetings

Sunburst Corvette Club General Membership Meetings are held every month, except January, on the first Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM at Galati's Hideaway in Cary, IL.  Many members meet for dinner before the meeting around 6:00 PM.


Please note our membership meetings are open to everyone.  Feel free to join us to find out more about our club and its activities.  We'd love to meet you.


Board Meetings are held every month (including January) on the second Wednesday of the month at 6:00 PM at Galati's Hideaway  and are open to all members.  Many people arrive prior to the meeting for dinner and socializing.  Note meetings may start a little earlier if a quorum of board members is present.


Sunburst wishes to extend a big thanks to Galati's Hideaway for allowing us to hold our monthly meetings in their facility.

C1 Assembly.jpg
Nineteenth Month
Eighteenth Month
Seventeeth Month
Sixteenth Month
Fifteenth Month
Thirteenth Month
First Month
Second Month
Third Month
Fourth Month
Fifth Month
Sixth Month
Seventh Month
Eigth Month
Ninth Month
Tenth Month
Eleventh Month
Twelfth Month
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